Rift Bot – Mob killer and Glider

How to install:
1. Download Rift Bot from the button below.
2. Get the Rift Script from this link.
3. Extract the Rift Bot to Rift Script folder.
4. Open Rift Bot inside the Rift Script folder, and click start button.
5. Start scan to get directory of yours Rift game folder.
6. Setup your Rift bot, by choosing your paths, abilities and other configurations.
7. Click the run button in Rift Bot.
Bot Features:
– Mobs killer
– Abilities modifier
– Paths recorder
– Movement controls setup
– Lots updates
– Great support
Update log:
Game description:
Rift is an great copy of world of warcraft game. We have 4 races to choose, but this races are simmilar. The same we have 4 classes to chose, but in each class it is opportunity to choose between lots of specializations like healer, tank, damage dealer. We can be tankohealer or damge tank it depends on our choices in Soul Tree system which is like talents in world of warcraft. Combat system in rift looks like in the other classic MMORPGs, it’s not action combat MMORPG in korean style but standing casting like in world of warcraft. Ofcourse we have the opportunity to be in PvP and PvE combats. The pve have raid modes, dungeons and world boses. The most innovation system in Rift is “Rifts”. If you are exploring world maps and questing you can find opened rifts. Mobs are getting of from this rifts and your quest is to kill them all. For killing mobs and closing rifts you are getting nice loot. Population of servers are quite big and you don’t have problems to find players for dungeons and raids.
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